Set during the events of the movie, Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones, a secret army of clones has been grown on planet Kamino, designed from the DNA of Jango Fett. These clones and trained for battle and to fight for the Galactic Republic, trained in specific talents and abilities. One such specialization is Delta Squad, a group of four commandos trained for ground combat, recon work and outfitted with bacta healing implants. Delta squad is composed of four members: RC-1138 ("Boss"): the squadron leader bred for tactics, RC-1140 ("Fixer"): a computer cracker, RC-1207 ("Sev"): a hunter and marksman, and RC-1262 ("Scorch"): a demolitions specialist. Delta Squad and the rest of the clone army are deployed to their first battle, on the planet Geonosis.
Star Wars: Republic Commando is a first-person squad-based shooter set in the Star Wars universe with tactical squad gameplay. Players take the roll of Boss, the leader of Delta Squad. Like most first-person shooters, the emphasis in gameplay is on action. Republic soldiers use a standard gun weapon, the "Blaster", in order to shoot opponents in front of them. Blasters can be attached to perform three different functions, with individual ammunition: a standard fiting mode, a sniper mode and an anti-armor mode. Players also carry an smaller energy pistol that automatically charges itself. New weapons can be found from a defeated enemy or found lying around on some levels, however only one may be carried at any given time. Some player weapons allow zooming functions for more accurate firing. The player also carries 4 different types of grenades, which are: thermal detonators (basic blast), sonar detectors (limited proximity detection), electrostatic charges (disables electronics and droids) and flash detonators (blinds foes). All of which can be thrown directly in front of the player.
Each member of delta squad has a personal shield that automatically recharges after a short time and a health bar which can only be replenished by healing bacta. Bacta is found at appropriate dispensers throughout the levels, and additionally each member of the squad carries an emergency bacta device to "revive" any member of the squad who falls in battle. Should the player be the one to lose all health, they watch the level from a hazed view and can issue a last order for other squadmates to try and revive them. Should all 4 members of delta squad fall in battle, the game is over.
The main feature of Republic Commando is the 4-man squad. Using a "one-touch" control system, the player gives orders to members of Delta Squad. The first type of command is for setting the squad's attitude: Search and Destroy (move forward), Form Up (stay close), Hold Position, and Recall from any assigned positions. The other type of orders are done by highlighting different positions displayed on the player's HUD and assigning a Delta member to perform the appropriate action. All of these positions are pre-defined in the level, with only a single action being possible. Examples of positions include: Cover for a sniper, barriers which need to be destroyed, turrets that can be mounted and used to attack the enemy, mines which can be disarmed, control panels which can be hacked, etc. Despite the hint of specialization designations and character personalities, any squad member, including the player, can be used to perform any action.
Multiplayer functionality includes regular deathmatches and capture the flag. There is no squad-based commands in multiplayer, though players may be placed on individual "teams" to work towards their goal.
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